iBioSign's Health Profile Navigator
Individual and Family Subscriptions
iBioSign is pleased to offer subscriptions to the Health Profile Navigator (HPN™), a powerful tool that enables you to take control of your health at all times, anywhere in the world.
Through an online, mobile application and a physical key, the Health Profile Navigator is the only and most secure portable, correlational, interactive health platform that empowers end-users to access the utmost technological advances in experimental medicine, prominent scientists and health professionals around the world.
Join us to discover all the unique benefits tailored for you, your health and that of all your loved ones.
You are one step away from having access to the best of science in your personal Health Profile Navigator.
Enroll now to take advantage of two free months on your annual subscription!
Contact us for other options, including corporate plans.
For more information and to enrol, contact us at info@icahris.org