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Public Health Views and Notes (PHVN)™

Public Health Views and Notes™ was created to provide an active forum for the public at large interested in sharing emerging topics and views concerning human and environmental health and any other related topics. Each contribution should be accompanied by the signed Anti-Plagiarism and Copy Right Statements (see below). No particular format is required in this type of preliminary reports and news. Nonetheless, names and contact information of the author(s) should also be provided.

  • Anti-plagiarism Statement

    Plagiarism within scientific, academic and professional undertakings has been intensified during the last three decades due to the increased demand to publish original contributions that otherwise may reflect the performance and productivity of those employed in industrious sectors influencing research and industrial innovation. Plagiarism is a serious offence. All manuscripts to be published in the Public Health Views and Notes (PHVN)™ must be original contributions which have been subjected to an anti-plagiarism analysis by the corresponding authors prior to their submission to PHVN™. Corresponding authors are responsible for providing evidence of originality by submitting an electronic copy of an anti-plagiarism report obtained from one of several reputable public or commercially available software packages. In addition, all manuscripts must be accompanied by a signed copy of the Anti-plagiarism Statement.

  • Copyright

    All manuscripts submitted for publication must be accompanied by a signed copy of the Copyright Statement.

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